Aphasia is a language problem that masks a person’s inherent competence, and most dramatically affects conversational interaction (talking and understanding), as well as the ability to read and write. Learn more here.
Helpful tools that can be used by people with aphasia with their families, friends, and health care providers to facilitate conversations.
A database of images that can be used with key words to help people with aphasia communicate.
All your questions about aphasia and our direct services and programs answered here.
Stories told by people with aphasia about their personal journeys.
Weekly Family Support Group meetings are available to family and others after the New Beginnings program ends.
This short video is a companion to an Aphasia Institute pamphlet “Does Your Family Member Have Aphasia? What to Look for and What You Can Do.” It includes basic conversation tips for you and your family member/friend with aphasia.
Information on how to get a referral for assessments at the Aphasia Institute can be found here.
Our training is based on Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) techniques developed at the Aphasia Institute. We provide training programs, workshops, webinars and more.
Resources designed to facilitate life's conversations - for communicating with people with aphasia. The product of decades of research and experience with people in the aphasia and stroke communities.
Solutions we develop in relation to the challenge of living with aphasia are grounded in what we learn from the lived experience of our clients with aphasia and their families, as well as evidence-based frameworks
Find out about the research initiatives we are currently pursuing – in evaluation, development, and/or knowledge translation and implementation
We welcome you to contact us
Learn more about our research review process and supports, for researchers who want to invite our Members to get involved with research – especially those that aim to reduce language barriers to life participation
See references for our past research in areas of: evaluation; development & evaluation of tools; communicative access in advocacy, decision-making & system-change; health-related quality of life, health economics & aphasia statistics; and articles about our approaches & practice
Here are a few quick answers and navigation tips, for common inquiries from past researchers
The first step in restoring confidence and improving coping skills for those affected by aphasia, showing clients and their families that it can be possible to live successfully with aphasia.
The next step in rebuilding bridges for those living with aphasia and reducing feelings of isolation. We offer clients a variety of on-going programs – designed to encourage community involvement and social exchange.
The Aphasia Institute offers a range of different programs for individuals with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and their families.
The Outreach Program provides support to individuals with Aphasia who may have barriers to attending programs at the Aphasia Institute in person. Home visits are offered from a trained volunteer.
Learn more about the volunteer program and ways to get involved here.
The Aphasia Institute offers training sessions that teach health care professionals how to work with clients with aphasia to ensure communicative access to healthcare services.
We welcome opportunities to discuss bringing our Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) workshops - customized to meet the specific needs of your team - to you.
An online series distinguished by its focus on aphasia and real-life participation. The webinars provide an opportunity for practicing clinicians to hear from a prestigious group of international aphasia researchers. Aphasia Institute, Master Class, Webinar Series. ASHA CE Approved Provider. Learn from International Experts. Earn ASHA CEUs.
Learn more about how to request a speaker from our team for your conference or educational event.
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