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Master Class Knowledge Exchange Speaker Series – Season 21

An online series distinguished by its focus on aphasia and real-life participation. The webinars provide an opportunity for practicing clinicians (e.g., speech language pathologists, researchers, allied health, health care leaders, etc.) to hear from a prestigious group of international aphasia researchers. Webinars will be available Live and Archived (Recorded).

ASHA CEU Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content,
specific products or clinical procedures.

Please refer to each course description for instructional level and ASHA CEUs

Sheila MacDonald

LIVE: September 23, 2024 – 12pm to 1pm ET | ARCHIVE: September 24 – October 8, 2024
ASHA CEUs: 0.1 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area)

Webinar Description
The Life Integration Approach (LIA) addresses barriers to effective intervention via practical clinical strategies that integrate therapy with daily life activities. This approach, developed for individuals with cognitive-communication disorders (CCD), has applications for aphasia intervention aimed at restoring the ability to participate in life communications.

Meet the Presenter
Sheila MacDonald’s dedication to those living with the effects of brain injury includes research, education, advocacy, publication of standardized tests, the CCCABI referral tool, and guidelines. Her acclaimed clinical short courses draw on years of experience in community practice where she assists individuals with return to social, academic, and workplace communications after ABI.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify resources for evidence-based cognitive and communication interventions
  • List barriers to speech-language pathology interventions after acquired brain inury
  • Describe 10 components of the Life Integration Approach and a set of practical clinical strategies for providing person-centred, contextual intervention


  • 12:00pm – 12:05pm: Evidence-based recommendations for aphasia and cognitive-communication intervention after acquired brain injury
  • 12:05pm – 12:10pm: Barriers to SLP evidence-based intervention
  • 12:10pm – 12:15pm: Life Integration Approach to Intervention: Rationale
  • 12:15pm – 12:45pm: Elements of the Life Integration Approach with associated clinical examples, clinical tools and resources
  • 12:45pm – 1:00pm: Summary and Questions


Financial: Sheila MacDonald is author of the Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies and has financial interest in CCD Publishing its publisher. This webinar will not focus on this work and tool.

Non-Financial: No Relevant Non-Financial Relationships to disclose

Deborah Hersh

LIVE: October 21, 2024 – 10am to 11:00am ET | ARCHIVE: October 22 – November 5, 2024
ASHA CEUs: 0.1 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area)

Webinar Description
Therapeutic Assessment in aphasia builds on three notions: that clients are adult learners, that assessment is an intervention and should be beneficial for clients, and that assessment is functionally and contextually relevant. This presentation will explore aphasia assessment explanations and feedback, and how they relate to client engagement and improved person-centered practice.

Meet the Presenter
Professor Deborah Hersh is Head of the Speech Pathology Program at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. She has 35 years of clinical, teaching and research experience in aphasia with focus on person-centred practice and the therapeutic relationship. She established the Talkback Association for Aphasia and recently served as Chairperson of the Australian Aphasia Association.

Learning Outcomes

• Explain the key concepts underpinning Therapeutic Assessment.
• Recognize the potential of assessment for learning
• Recognize current practice in giving assessment feedback and its relationship to client engagement in rehabilitation


  • 10:00am – 10:10am: Introduction and background to Therapeutic Assessment
  • 10:10am – 10:25am: Assessment of, with and as support
  • 10:25am – 10:40am: Assessment feedback for learning
  • 10:40am – 10:50am: Reflection on current practice and potential for Therapeutic Assessment across the continuum of care
  • 10:50am – 11:00am: Question and answer session
Kelly Knollman-Porter

LIVE: November 18, 2024 12:00-1:00pm ET | ARCHIVE: November 19 – December 3, 2024
ASHA CEUs: 0.1 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area)

Webinar Description
This presentation reviews evidence on text-to-speech technology (TTS) as a reading support for people with aphasia. The clinical implications of research findings regarding changes in comprehension and processing time when people with aphasia use TTS systems will be addressed along with their perspectives and experiences. Ideas about TTS settings for functional reading endeavours will be shared.

Meet the Presenter
Kelly Knollman-Porter, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Miami University. She directs the Neurogenic Language and Cognitive Lab where her research examines the development and effectiveness of technological supports to facilitate the reading comprehension of adults with aphasia. She also explores the subtle reading processing differences exhibited by adults with aphasia through eye tracking technology.

Learning Outcomes

  • List three potential benefits of using text-to-speech systems for people with aphasia.
  • List three possible methods to personalize a text-to-speech system for people with aphasia.
  • Describe two perspectives of people with aphasia that may influence selection of text-to-speech systems


  • 12:00pm – 12:10pm: Background/rationale
  • 12:10pm – 12:20pm: Reading behaviors revealed through eye tracking technology
  • 12:20pm – 12:30pm: Exploring TTS system and features
  • 12:30pm – 12:40pm: Examining TTS support for reading books
  • 12:40pm – 12:50pm: Understanding Perceptions about TTS support
  • 12:50pm – 1:00pm: Conclusion and Questions

Financial: Kelly Knollman-Porter is a staff member at Miami University where this research was completed. Research reported in the presentation was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under award number 1R15DC015579. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the view of the National Institutes of Health.

Non-Financial: None

Mary Boyle

LIVE: Dec 9, 2024 – 12pm to 1pm ET | ARCHIVE: December 10 – 24, 2024
ASHA CEUs: 0.1 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area)

Webinar Description

Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) is used as a therapy technique to improve naming and can be applied to support word retrieval in the context of natural conversation.  Topics addressed will include: How SFA is compatible with co-construction in conversation; Differences between using SFA as a treatment approach and using it to support conversation, and Training conversation partners in using SFA.

Meet the Presenter

Mary Boyle is Professor Emerita in Communication Sciences & Disorders at Montclair State University, ASHA Fellow, and Board Certified by the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences. Her clinical and research interests focus on treatments for adult neurogenic communication disorders, particularly aphasia.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe SFA as a treatment approach
  • Explain how SFA can be used in supported conversation
  • Discuss factors to consider in training partners using SFA in supported conversation


  • 12:00pm – 12:05pm: Introduction and background
  • 12:05pm – 12:10pm: Review of SFA
  • 12:10pm – 12:15pm: Co-construction and SFA
  • 12:15pm – 12:25pm: Differences between SFA as treatment and as conversation support
  • 12:25pm – 12:35pm: Using SFA in conversation with video examples
  • 12:35pm – 12:45pm: Training partners to use SFA during supported conversation & Summary
  • 12:45pm – 1:00pm: Question and Answer

Financial: None
Non-Financial: None

Satisfactory completion requirements (to qualify for ASHA CEU credits*):

  • Attendance of the webinar in full (either live or recorded)
  • Completing the webinar evaluation survey which includes self-assessment

*You will be required to complete an intent to earn ASHA credits at the end of each webinar

Registration Details

*Aphasia Institute is committed to providing universal access to all of our educational offerings. Please contact us at or call us at 416-226-3636 ext. 123 if you require any accommodations.

Individual Registration (4 Webinars Series): $120 CAD
Group Rate for 12 Participants (4 Webinars Series): $250 CAD
Group Rate for 30 Participants (4 Webinars Series): $350 CAD

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"Invaluable experience and education. Beautiful opportunity to provide the ability to use conversation with all people. Inspired to continue to make a difference in others’ lives. "
- Anonymous
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