Personal AFROM
The Personal A-FROM is based on Living with Aphasia: Framework for Outcome Measurement (A-FROM). It is a concrete and convenient way for clinicians and clients with aphasia to identify goals that include the domains of impairment, environment, life participation, and personal factors encompassing emotions and feelings. The Personal A-FROM gives people with aphasia an accessible way to take ownership of their goals. It also provides a simple way to share goals with the interprofessional team so that they also support the person with aphasia in achieving their goals.
Assessment for Living With Aphasia (ALA)
Developed with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health, via the Ontario Stroke Network, this comprehensive assessment package provides tools to better assess the impact of aphasia and identify the factors that affect the quality of life and exacerbate or reduce disability.
Benefits of the Assessment
- Provides quantitative and qualitative data from the perspective of the person living with aphasia
- Uses pictographic approach which allows for participation across a full range of severity
- Based on Living with Aphasia: Framework for Outcome Measurement A-FROM
- In line with World Health Organization’s ICF
- Psychometrically sound: demonstrated reliability and validity (n=101)
- Captures real-life issues for planning and evaluating aphasia treatment and making funding decisions
Price: $350 CAD
For additional information on the assessment, contact
Communicatively Accessible Hearing Screening Protocol (CAHSP)
The Aphasia Institute is pleased to offer you the communicatively accessible hearing screening protocol (CAHSP).
CAHSP was developed by Lisa Samson, speech-language pathologist, at the Aphasia Institute and Joanne DeLuzio, audiologist.
What is the CAHSP?
CAHSP is a resource for professionals to use with clients who have communication barriers. The CAHSP consists of pictographic resources to help the hearing screener and client who “knows more than they can say” effectively exchange messages related to a hearing screening. The CAHSP also includes an audiometric protocol for clients who “know more than they can say”. CAHSP is designed to be used with individuals who need help to understand information and to express themselves. However, CAHSP was piloted with people with aphasia and consequently some resources included are specific to that population.
Click below to download each item in the CAHSP package, as follows:
01.1 Communicatively Accessible Hearing Screening Protocol
04.1 Hearing Screening Follow-Up Form
05.1 Communicatively Accessible Hearing Handicap Questionnaire
Communication Aid for Capacity Evaluation (CACE)
The Aphasia Institute is pleased to offer you the Communication Aid for Capacity Evaluation – CACE
Alexandra Carling-Rowland, Ph.D., developed and tested CACE, a communicatively accessible capacity evaluation process to help health care professionals determine whether or not people living with communication barriers have the capacity to decide where they shall live. CACE is designed to be used with individuals who need help to understand information and to express themselves. CACE can be used with people living with aphasia, speech disorders or hearing loss and with those who speak English as an acquired language.
The Aphasia Institute has partnered with Alexandra to publish CACE. We strongly recommend you read the manual before you first administer CACE.
Individual CACE items available for download:
- CACE Manual
- CACE Evaluator’s Version – it is recommended that you print this version in colour
- CACE Communication Cards
- CACE Response Form and Rights Information
- CACE Addendums
- CACE Instructional Video
- The Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA) is a tool to quickly and efficiently assess participation in conversation, quality of life related to living with aphasia, and aphasia severity. BOMPA is designed to be administered by a speech-language pathologist (S-LP) skilled in Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM) or similar method. $99.00CAD
- BOMPA offers several features:
- A score representing a person’s perceptions of his/her/their life with aphasia
- Observational ratings by the speech-language pathologist of aphasia severity and the person with aphasia’s participation in conversation (in the context of communicating without and with conversational support)
- Psychometrically sound instrument with demonstrated reliability
- Developed with input from many experienced speech-language pathologists
- Designed specifically for people with aphasia
- Appropriate for all aphasia severity levels
- Aphasia-friendly (includes pictographs, clinician script and administration guidelines)
Price: $99 CAD