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Example of SCA – Gerry: Pre & Post SCA Training – Aphasia Institute

Example of SCA – Gerry: Pre & Post SCA Training

Pre SCATM Training Example 

Watch and listen to this video clip of a young doctor who has not yet had Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM) training talking to Gerry, a person with aphasia. 

Think about acknowledging and revealing competence as you watch and listen to this interaction. Think about ways you might help your patients with aphasia to communicate. 

Post SCATM Training Example 

Watch and listen to this video clip of the young doctor who has been trained in SCATM, using supported conversation techniques to communicate with Gerry, a person with aphasia. Let’s see what happens after the young doctor quickly learns how to use a few simple supported conversation techniques.

"It was an amazing week of learning. A great occasion to deepen and increase my knowledge on treatment for PWA and their families. "
- Anonymous
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