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Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA) – Aphasia Institute

Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA)

Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA)



  • Instructional Manual
  • Conversational Scripts
  • Pictographic Booklet
  • Self-Report Rating Form (for person with aphasia)
  • BOMPA Rating Form (for S-LP)
  • Yes/No card
  • Conversational Interview Summary

Released in January 2022, the Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA) is a tool to quickly and efficiently assess participation in conversation, quality of life related to living with aphasia, and aphasia severity. BOMPA is designed to be administered by a speech-language pathologist (S-LP) skilled in Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM) or similar method.

BOMPA offers several features:

  • A score representing a person’s perceptions of his/her/their life with aphasia
  • Observational ratings by the speech-language pathologist of aphasia severity and the person with aphasia’s participation in conversation (in the context of communicating without and with conversational support)
  • Psychometrically sound instrument with demonstrated reliability
  • Developed with input from many experienced speech-language pathologists
  • Designed specifically for people with aphasia
  • Appropriate for all aphasia severity levels
  • Aphasia-friendly (includes pictographs, clinician script and administration guidelines)
Weight 1.1 kg
Dimensions 34 × 25 × 6 cm
"This course has given me lots of tools to communicate with my clients with aphasia. It has given me new ideas and visions and I’m looking forward to share the SCATM method with my colleagues and other professionals in my rehabilitation centre. Thank you for the course! "
- Anonymous
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