“L’aphasie c’est Quoi” French Digital Booklet Request

IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions below before filling out the form

ONTARIO ONLY – If you are a Health Care Professional working in Ontario, you may be eligible to order FREE online version of the FRENCH “What is Aphasia?” (L’aphasie c’est Quoi) booklet. 

OUT OF PROVINCE – If you are not in Ontario or would like a hard copy of the “What is Aphasia?” booklet, please click here. Do not fill this form.

Order French Copies Free:

    To check your Ontario Health Region:
    EN: https://www.ontariohealth.ca/about-us/our-programs/ontario-health-regions
    FR: https://www.ontariohealth.ca/fr/a-propos-de-nous/nos-programmes/regions-de-sante-ontario

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