Released in January 2022, the Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA) is a tool to quickly and efficiently assess participation in conversation, quality of life related to living with aphasia, and aphasia severity. BOMPA is designed to be administered by a speech-language pathologist (S-LP) skilled in Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM) or similar method.
BOMPA offers several features:
- A score representing a person’s perceptions of his/her/their life with aphasia
- Observational ratings by the speech-language pathologist of aphasia severity and the person with aphasia’s participation in conversation (in the context of communicating without and with conversational support)
- Psychometrically sound instrument with demonstrated reliability
- Developed with input from many experienced speech-language pathologists
- Designed specifically for people with aphasia
- Appropriate for all aphasia severity levels
- Aphasia-friendly (includes pictographs, clinician script and administration guidelines)